Oregon State Hanmadang 2020
- Held on Fri, May 1 2020 through Sat, May 2 2020
- Standard Registration closed on • Fri, May 1 2020, 12:00 PM PT • Fri, May 1 2020, 1:00 PM MT • Fri, May 1 2020, 2:00 PM CT • Fri, May 1 2020, 3:00 PM ET
- Standard registration first 2 events: $75.00, Additional events: $10.00

MooDoTKD is excited to announce that we’ll be hosting the third annual Oregon State Hanmadang tournament, held right here in Eugene Oregon.
The Oregon State Hanmadang will be divided into TWO parts over two days:
• Part One: The Martial Art Expo on Friday, May 1st, 5-10pm at at the Valley River Inn.
• Part Two: The All Styles, Martial Art Skills Hanmadang Tournament on Saturday, May 2nd from 8am-5pm at the Valley River Inn. This is an officially sanctioned USTC event.
The Hanmadang is an internationally sanctioned tournament that is an ALL STYLES, SKILL BASED competition. Events include: FORMS (Taekwondo TaeGeuk, Kung Fu, Karate, Tai Chi), FORMS WITH WEAPONS (All Styles), HAPKIDO PAIRED DEFENSE & FALLING (Height & Distance), CREATIVE FORMS, COMBINATION BOARD BREAKING (up to 10 boards), POWER BREAKING (Palm Heel, Back Kick, Skipping Side Kick), SPEED SPINNING HOOK KICK (30 sec), HIGH JUMP FRONT and FLYING SIDE KICK for distance single elimination board break events and DEMO TEAM COMPETITION, ARCHERY (Thumb Release & 3 finger draw).
The Hanmadang is an important evolution of the martial art tournament modality and practitioners truly get to exhibit, explore and compete for their PERSONAL BEST in the full realm of their martial art training and skills.
Eligibility for enrollment: all belt levels/all ranks, ages 6+, anyone from ANY STATE can enroll in this tournament.
For more information contact:
MooDo Taekwondo
Tim Greathouse
Before registering for the Oregon State Hanmadang you will need the following:
- Competitors Photo
- Competitors Name
- Age
- Weight
- Rank
- Gender
- School Name
- Contact Email Address
- Contact Phone Number
Kung Fu divisions will be grouped based on experience level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced. Kung Fu participants should choose a belt rank based on their experience level.
Karate and Tai Chi under belt (color belt) participants may choose a Geup level that most closely matches their rank. 9th Geup is the lowest belt rank (a white belt in most schools) and then progresses up to 1st Geup, which would be 1 rank below a Black Belt.
Please note that while you may make changes to your registration up until the registration closing date, all registrations for the Oregon State Hanmadang are NON-refundable.
If you have any questions about the tournament, contact us at:
28 Events
All Around Champion Challenge: Category 1.
Must choose one event from each of 4 categories to be eligible.
- Individual Event
- 90 seconds to perform
- Team of 2 to 10 Members
- 90 seconds to perform
- Individual Event
- 90 seconds to perform
- Team of 2 to 10 Members
- 90 seconds to perform
Includes Karate and Tai Chi creative forms without weapons.
Requirements: All ages and ranks. Each participant will have 90 seconds to perform a creative form. There are 6 compulsory techniques: 2 front snap kicks (any variation), 2 round house kicks (any variation), and 2 side kicks (any variation). NO Weapons. Music is HIGHLY encouraged.All Around Champion Challenge: Category 1.
Must choose one event from each of 4 categories to be eligible.
- Individual Event
- 90 seconds to perform
- Music Recommended
Includes Karate and Tai Chi creative forms with weapons.
Requirements: All ages and ranks. Each individual will have 90 seconds to perform a creative form. There are 6 compulsory techniques: 2 front snap kicks (any variation), 2 round house kicks (any variation), and 2 side kicks (any variation). Martial arts weapons are accepted. Music is HIGHLY encouraged.- Individual Event
- 90 seconds to perform
- Music Recommended
- Team of 2 to 10 Members
- 90 seconds to perform
- Music Recommended
- Team of 2 to 10 Members
- 90 seconds to perform
- Music Recommended
Board Fee: A flat $10 fee will be added to the price of this event to cover boards.
All Around Champion Challenge: Category 4.
Must choose one event from each of 4 categories to be eligible.
- Individual Event
- Break 1 to 10 boards
- 60 seconds to setup
- 60 seconds to perform
Board Fee: A flat $5 fee will be added to the price of this event to cover the first 3 boards. The tournament will cover any number over 3 for this event.
All Around Champion Challenge: Category 2.
Must choose one event from each of 4 categories to be eligible.
- Individual Event
- 30 seconds to perform
Board Fee: A flat $5 fee will be added to the price of this event to cover the first 3 boards. The tournament will cover any number over 3 for this event.
All Around Champion Challenge: Category 2.
Must choose one event from each of 4 categories to be eligible.
- Individual Event
- 30 seconds to perform
Board Purchase Requirements: Participants are required to purchase their boards at $2 each for all power breaking events.
All Around Champion Challenge: Category 3.
Must choose one event from each of 4 categories to be eligible.
- Individual Event
- 30 seconds to perform
Board Purchase Requirements: Participants are required to purchase their boards at $2 each for all power breaking events.
All Around Champion Challenge: Category 3.
Must choose one event from each of 4 categories to be eligible.
- Individual Event
- 30 seconds to perform
Board Purchase Requirements: Participants are required to purchase their boards at $2 each for all power breaking events.
All Around Champion Challenge: Category 3.
Must choose one event from each of 4 categories to be eligible.
- Individual Event
- 30 seconds to perform
Board Purchase Requirements: Participants are required to purchase their boards at $2 each for all power breaking events.
All Around Champion Challenge: Category 3.
Must choose one event from each of 4 categories to be eligible.
- Individual Event
- 30 seconds to perform
Board Fee: A flat $10 fee will be added to the price of this event to cover boards.
- Individual Event
- 30 seconds to perform
- Team of 5 to 40 Members
- 120 seconds to setup
- 420 seconds to perform
- Music Recommended
1. To perform horizontal cut called a Draw Cut
2. To perform vertical cut called a Downward Cut
After completion of each cut the judge will examine the paper. A score of 10 is a perfect score. The cut must be within 1" of center line and counting down every inch away from center. The two scores will be then added together to determine each competitors final score.
Penalty Deductions:
A 1 point deduction will be given for any of the following infractions:
* Touching target while aiming
* Any second attempts on a cut
* Striking stand or target holder
* Exiting contest area while attempting a cut
Contestants can provide their own Mokkum "wooden sword." Or one will be provided by tournament staff.
- Individual Event
- 60 seconds to perform
•Participants have a maximum of 60 seconds to shoot six (6) arrows at a distance of 20 yards (60 ft). (Ages 6-8 will shoot at 10 yrds.)
•Points will be earned in 2 categories: Time and accuracy.
•Each participant will provide his or her own bow, quiver and field tip arrows.
•Bows must be either a traditional long bow or a recurve bow, with out aim assistance.
•No compound bows, trigger releases, pins, or sites will be allowed.
•One bonus point will be awarded for every 10 seconds under the 60 seconds given, rounding down.
•One penalty point will be assessed for every 10 seconds over the allotted time given, rounding up.
- Individual Event
- 60 seconds to perform
4 arrows 40 seconds. Archer stands back to target, 1st arrow knocked. Judge will confirm archer is ready and be given command to begin. 1st shot must be done moving away from the target. The next 2 shots must be made in motion following the course. Only the 4th and final shot can be made stationary from a kneeling position. The first 3 shots MUST be made in motion. If the archer stops motion during the shot, they will not receive credit for scoring shots.
Speed Bonus
•5 pts - 30 seconds or less
•10 pts - 25 seconds or less
•15 pts - 20 seconds or less
•20 pts - 15 seconds or less
No points can be scored after the 40 second mark.
- Individual Event
- 40 seconds to perform
The self-defense demonstration consists of pairs or groups of competitors (up to 4 persons) performing self-defense techniques of their choosing. The competitors may have all attack/defense techniques be performed by one of the competitors, or they may alternate who attacks and who defends. However, only one competitor will register to receive scoring.
Defense against weapons is also included in this competition without extra credit for the use of weapons.
A time limit applies to all demonstrations. Time begins after the lead competitor addresses the judges and receives permission to begin, or when the second competitor enters the ring. A penalty will be deducted for each 10 second period that a demonstration exceeds the time limit.
Time Limit: Youth Divisions: 1 Min, Adult Divisions: 2 Min
Judging: Competitors will be evaluated on artful and effective technique, speed, rooting, and skill. The purpose of this demonstration is to evaluate the competitors’ ability to select an appropriate defensive technique for the attack attempted, and to effectively execute the defensive technique so that the attacker is rendered harmless, as well as the safe falling technique. The defender should not use flashy or ostentatious techniques that add nothing to the effectiveness of the defense. Rather, the defender should seek to end the attack using techniques that are practical, efficient and feasible for use in real self-defense situations.
Scoring will be based upon:
1. Accuracy of Techniques. Accurate application of techniques to control opponent(s).
2. Fluidity and effective demonstration of techniques. Creative application of techniques.
3. Balance, Speed and Power. Accurate and quick movements that generate explosive power, while properly maintaining balance during artful demonstration.
A single technique may be continued into a second round of techniques. (Chain Techniques)
Acceptable techniques for Hapkido-Self Defense Demonstration Category: Wrist Grabs, Clothing Grabs, Defensive Punching, Defensive Kicking, Defensive Throwing, Attacking Techniques, Restraining Techniques, Rope/Belt Techniques, Sword Techniques, Staff Techniques, Cane Techniques, Special Kicking, Falling, Sword Techniques, Short Stick Techniques
- Individual Event
- 60 seconds to setup
- 120 seconds to perform
- Individual Event
- 90 seconds to perform
- Individual Event
- 90 seconds to perform
- Individual Event
- 90 seconds to perform
- Individual Event
- 90 seconds to perform
- Individual Event
- 90 seconds to perform
- Individual Event
- 90 seconds to perform
- Individual Event
- 90 seconds to perform
Valley River Inn
The OR State Hanmadang and Martial Arts Expo will take place here on Friday and Saturday. Visit HOTELS.com for the best deals.
Eugene, Oregon 97401
United States
Wednesday, January 1, 2020 3:55:10 PM
All Around Champion Challenge
All Around Champion Challenge
Choose 4 events from 4 categories:
• Category 1: ITF - Individual Traditional Forms OR ICFWO - Individual Creative Forms without weapons
• Category 2: IJH - Individual Jumping High Kick OR IFS - Individual Flying Side Kick
• Category 3: Any Power Breaking Event (foot or hand).
• Category 4: ICB - Individual Creative Breaking (ONLY OPTION)
Categories 1-3 are your choice! Category 4 must be creative breaking. Be sure to select All Around Competition during registration. You can sign up for more events in addition to the all around challenge!
For example, you can pick:
• Individual Traditional Forms
• Flying Side Kick
• Back Kick Power Breaking
• Creative Breaking
Special Prize For Winners
Points will be award for each of the four events chosen from the 4 categories.
The one with the most points for the key events in their division wins the All Around Champion Challenge.
• 3 points for Gold
• 2 points for Silver
• 1 point for Bronze
Wednesday, January 1, 2020 3:55:10 PM
Board Fees
The organizing committee would like to thank you for your participation in the annual Oregon State Hanmadang! In order to keep registration prices as low, we asking participants who compete in board breaking events to pay a small extra fee to cover the cost of their boards. In order to make this easier, we have decided to charge a flat board fee (except for power breaking) which will cover all board costs for that event.
For Individual Creative Breaking (Kyukpa), participants will be allowed to break up to 6 boards for 12 and under, and up to 10 boards for 13 and up. They will be charged $10 for their boards, no matter the number you break. The board fee will be added to your total when registering for this event.
Individual Spinning Hook Kick, will be charged $10 for their boards, no matter the number you break. The board fee will be added to your total when registering for this event.
Individual Jumping High Kick and Individual Flying Side Kick participants will be charged $5 for their first three boards, no matter the number you break. The tournament will cover any number over 3 for these two events. The board fee will be added to your total when registering for this event.
All Power Breaking event participants will need to pay $2 per board for their breaks. Boards will be available for purchase during online registration and on site before the event.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
The tournament host has provided the following additional resources for this tournament.
Oregon State Taekwondo Hanmadang
- Oregon State Taekwondo Hanmadang Website
- Moo Do TKD Website
- Oregon State Hanmadang Information
- Rules and training for most events are available on the US Open Taekwondo Hanmadang website
- Oregon State Hanmadang Rules Addendum
- ISW - Individual Sword Cutting Rules
- IAST - Individual Archery – Stationary Target Rules
This feature is comming soon!