4th Annual Palm Coast Open Martial Arts Tournament
- Held on Sat, March 28 2020
- Registration periods have not been configured.
- Registration periods have not been configured.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Hello Martial Arts Schools, Instructors, Athletes and Families: The City of Palm Coast declared a local state of emergency. It has been decided for the safety and well being for all of you who planned to attend the 4th Annual Palm Coast Open Martial Arts Tournament on March 28th to postpone the tournament until mid to late May, 2020.
We will be requesting the Flagler School District to reserve the original venue, the Flagler Palm Coast High School Gymnasium, 5500FL-100, Palm Coast, FL and we will notify you when a venue date is confirmed with the School District.
For those who are currently registered for our tournament will not need to do anything at this time. Their registration and payment will stay with our tournament event software and will automatically transfer to the new tournament date once it is confirmed. We will issue refunds if requested.
We will continue to keep you updated on any changes and as soon as the the Flagler School District confirms the tournament date we will notify you.
We apologize for any inconvenience these changes may cause, however, in light of the present circumstances surrendering the COVID-19 virus, it is our belief this is the most prudent step to take.
Should you have questions and/or if there is need for additional information, please advise by responding to this email or calling 407-920-4001.
Frank Perniciaro
Core Martial Arts

Refreshments and Convenience Foods will be available for purchase from the Flagler Sheriff Police Athletic League.

Core Martial Arts & Fitness, LLC is proud to announce the Fourth Annual Palm Coast Open Martial Arts Tournament to be held on March 28, 2020 from 11:00 AM-5:00 PM at the Flagler Palm Coast High School Gymnasium, 5500 FL-100, Palm Coast, Florida 32110.
At our 2019 tournament we were honored to welcome athletes from14 different martial arts schools from South, North and Central Florida representing 6 different martial arts styles. We are anticipating an even greater turnout at our 2020 tournament since it has been recognized as a safe, fair and family friendly event in which to test the skills of the participating athletes.
Our tournaments offer the excitement of competition with multiple disciplines which allows everyone to celebrate the diversity of the martial arts.
The doors will open at 10 AM to allow participants to verify registration and to prepare for their competition.
The tournament is open to all traditional martial arts styles and disciplines, and will feature 4 Divisions:
• Individual Forms/Katas/Kung Fu forms
• Team Forms/Katas (teams of three individuals) and Bunkai (application)
• Light Contact Point Sparring
• Competitive Board Breaking
There are no spectator fees and family and friends are encouraged to attend to support their favorite athletes.
The Colored Belt Divisions will be divided by age, gender and time training for ages 6 – adult.
The Blackbelt Division will be divided by age and gender for ages 10 – 15 years and 16 years and up.
Trophies and/or Medals will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners.
Youth ages 18 and under, excluding adults and Blackbelts will receive a participation medal if they do not place in their division.
Our Pledge:
As in our past tournaments we are committed to adhering to the highest standards possible to insure a fair, safe, and memorable experience for all.
Judging will follow the competition rules used in the First Annual Palm Coast Open Martial Arts Tournament and will be supplied in advance to participating schools for review and clarification. The tournament rules of the World Karate Federation were used as guidelines for the development of our tournament rules.
To allow for all styles and schools entering the tournament to be well represented and to assist with judging accuracy and conflict resolution we are requesting participating schools to provide Judges/Referees, Timekeepers and Scorekeepers. Judges/Referrers must be a Black Belt and at least 17 years old from participating schools. Scorekeeper/Timekeeper maybe anyone over the age of 15 affiliated with participating schools.
Additional tournament information can be found on our website.
To register as a participant, volunteer, or judge please provide all requested information to complete your registration online. If you are registering someone else as a participant and would also like to register yourself as a Scorekeeper and/or Timekeeper you will be given the opportunity to do so while registering the participant/s. All registrations for the Palm Coast Open Martial Arts Tournament are NON-refundable.
The doors will open at 10 AM to allow participants to verify registration and to prepare for their competition.
Before registering for the 4th Annual Palm Coast Open Martial Arts Tournament you will need the following:
- Valid Email Address
- Belt Rank / Number of Months of training Experience
- Number of months training experience
- Date of Birth - Age is determined by the competitor’s age on September 28, 2020.
- Martial Arts School Name
- Martial Arts School Head Instructor / Owner
- Martial Arts School Phone Number
It is the intention of the organizers of the Annual Palm Coast Open Martial Arts Tournament to make every effort to place participants in their proper divisions based on gender, age and months of training experience.
However, to make our tournament both challenging and rewarding for the participants and spectators each division must consist of at least (3) competitors. In instances where there are not a minimum of (3) competitors in a division the organizers will give them the choice to compete in the next closest age and months of training division by gender thereby eliminating the original division/s they were assigned to. If a competitor is under the age of 18 they must receive approval from their instructors and parents to move up in the light contact division. This includes moving advanced to a Black Belt Division.
NOTE: Tournament Age is determined by the competitor’s age on September 28, 2020.
On the day of the tournament, if a competitor is within 6 months of their next birthday, they will compete in the age division they would be in on their next birthday.
This effectively means that your age will be rounded to the nearest whole year.
For example:
If you are 7 years and 6 months old on the day of the tournament, your tournament age would be 8 years.
If you are 7 years and 5 months old on the day of the tournament, your tournament age would be 7 years.
Months of Experience / Belt Color:
The competitor must compete in the highest belt rank and the months of training achieved even if the competitor has changed styles.
In the event of a belt rank question, to ensure the safety and fairness of all competitors, the months of training takes preference over belt color.
• Beginner color belts will have 12 months or less of continuous training. (e.g. white, yellow, orange, gold)
• Intermediate color belts will have 12 to 24 months of continuous training. (e.g. green, blue, purple)
• Advanced color belts will have over 24 months of continuous training. (red, brown belt or sash)
Additional tournament information can be found on our website.
7 Events
- Individual Event
- 90 seconds to perform
- Team of 3 to 3 Members
- 150 seconds to perform
- Individual Event
- 120 seconds to perform
Each participant will be allowed to break from one to four tournament organizers’ provided boards with any technique desired. Separate genders. The use of head breaks are not allowed. The participant may select their own holders or organizers will provide them.
Breaking will have an additional fee of $10 added to cover boards.
- Individual Event
- 120 seconds to perform
- Individual Event
- Individual Event
- Individual Event
- 90 seconds to perform
Flagler Palm Coast High School Gymnasium
The venue for this tournament.
The tournament host has not made any announcements for this tournament at this time. Please check back often to keep updated with the latest information.
The tournament host has provided the following additional resources for this tournament.
Palm Coast Open Martial Arts Tournament
This feature is comming soon!