Ancient Warriors Kickstart Kids 2019 Spring Qualifier
- Held on Sat, February 23 2019
- Online Registration closed on • Thu, February 21 2019, 11:00 AM PT • Thu, February 21 2019, 12:00 PM MT • Thu, February 21 2019, 1:00 PM CT • Thu, February 21 2019, 2:00 PM ET
- Online registration first 2 events: $25.00, Additional events: $5.00

Congratulations! Your hard work and dedication has helped you earn a spot to compete at the 2019 SPRING QUALIFIER. The tournament will be held on February 23, 2019 at 9:00 am and will be hosted at Stafford Middle School. The address is 1625 Staffordshire Rd. in Stafford.
Online registration is available here on TournamentTiger. Just click Register at the top of this tournament profile page.
Cash registration is due to your instructor on or before Wednesday Feb 13th. Online registration ends Wednesday, February 20th at midnight.
The Kickstart Kids Spring Qualifier is the second event in our competition season. Students will gather in the spirit of sportsmanship and attempt to secure a spot at the upcoming Regional Championships. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will advance to compete at the Regional Championship.
We hope you, your family, and friends will be a part of this special Kickstart Kids community event.
Contact your instructor for additional information. And check us out at: Kickstart Kids
Appropriate Student Uniform
Students must wear KSK approved uniform for tournaments!
See your instructor for details.
Sparring Equipment
• Head Gear
• Hand Gear
• Shin Guards
• Foot Gear
• Mouthpiece
• Cup & Supporter (*Males Only)
Attached over the left chest of the uniform. Must be sewn or glued.
American Flag Patch
Attached on the left sleeve of the uniform under the seam. Must be sewn or glued.
Special Note: Students must have appropriate equipment and patches at the staging area unless they have received approval prior to the event. No refunds.
The Ancient Warriors tournament will be held on Saturday February 23th at 9:00 am. Doors will open at 8am. It and will be hosted at Stafford Middle School. The address is 1625 Staffordshire Rd. in Stafford.
Be prepared to provide the following information:
- Competitors Name
- Age
- Rank
- Gender
- School Name
Cash registration is due to your instructor on or before Wednessday Feb 13th. Online registration ends Wednesday, February 20th at midnight. No Refunds.
8 Events
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will advance to compete at the Regional Championship.
- Individual Event
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will advance to compete at the Regional Championship.
- Individual Event
* Novice: Gold Belt Only
* Beginner: Purple and Orange Belt
* Intermediate: Blue and Green Belt.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will advance to compete at the Regional Championship.
- Team of 2 to 10 Members
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will advance to compete at the Regional Championship.
- Individual Event
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will advance to compete at the Regional Championship.
- Individual Event
- Individual Event
- Individual Event
- Individual Event
Stafford Middle School
The Ancient Warriors Qualifier tournament will be held at Stafford Middle School.
The tournament host has not made any announcements for this tournament at this time. Please check back often to keep updated with the latest information.
The tournament host has not provided any additional resources for this tournament.
This feature is comming soon!